6 ways to ease lower back pain

Can’t see your Osteopath for hands-on-treatment for lower back pain?

Perhaps this might help… 

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What can you do?

  •  It is important to stay active. This could be “pottering” around your house or garden, or a light walk outside. Keeping active helps stop inflammation from building up and the muscles tightening in the painful area of the lower back.
  • Exercise; lower back pain is different for everybody. Some people prefer to wait for the pain to pass before exercising. For others, some gentle stretching, Pilates or yoga can help during a painful episode. Find what feels right for you; asking one of our Osteopaths for advice on exercises may also be helpful.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods as this puts strain on the lower back. If you’re working from home currently, try to stand or gently pace the room when you are on the phone or set a reminder to change position at least once per hour.
  • Check your posture. You may be working from home at a “make-shift” workstation but try your best to keep your feet flat on the floor, your thighs at a 90º angle from your body, your forearms parallel to the floor, shoulders relaxed, and your eyes level with the top of your computer monitor.
  • Use hot or cold packs for short-term lower back pain relief; this could be a hot water bottle, or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Heat application can be beneficial to relax muscle tightness or spasm, and cold packs for reducing inflammation. Do not exceed 10 minutes per application.
  • Make sure you are drinking enough fluids as your hydration directly correlates with the hydration of the intervertebral discs of your spine. If you are working from home, try keeping a glass of water next to you and sip throughout the day. Keeping an eye on the colour of your urine is a good indicator of your hydration (Too dark? Drink more!).

Need further advice?

Book in for a Virtual Video Appointment with one of The Richards Centre Team.

If you develop numbness or tingling around your genitals, a loss of bowel or bladder control, severe or worsening pain, or lose strength in the legs please ring 999 immediately.

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